Posted in Fast Receipes, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

My review of Weight Watchers food boxes

Last week I discovered a new program that I thought was a game changer and could be the answer to all life’s problems. I’ve always been keen to try loose a few kilos (who doesn’t!) and saw advertised the Weight Watchers Fresh Box  and gave it a go.

Heres my review from the point of view from a working mum who’s life gets a little cray cray around dinner time.

The Food-it comes in a lovely big box all delivered in 2 days to your door. The program is linked to Aussie Farmers Direct so the produce is super fresh and did last really well.

Bacon, capsicum, kale pasta with mushroom sauce.



The recipe cards, great coloured photos


The recipes- Easy to follow, clear and concise but have lots of preparation is required. The meals generally took 30-40 minutes or longer to make. The pasta dish was much quicker but the rest were quite time consuming.

To sum, the meals have been super delicious and full of flavour and surprisingly decent serving sizes! And I even ate Kale! It has definitely increased our vegetable intake and provided some inspiration for new meals to try. However a big down for me and my lifestyle is the time frame for preparation. I don’t have time to be rolling chicken and stuffing it on a normal night in my house. If you have a bit of time up your sleeve or are great at food preparation then go for it! If dinner time involves feeding the masses and town is limited this program is not the best option for you. I have definitely enjoyed the new meals and the healthy ideas though!

Chicken stuffed with baby spinach and sundried tomatoes
Posted in Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Long time!


Well it’s been a long time since I have posted anything. Mainly from laziness really but also poor time management. I’m getting my head around this working shenanigans And having three little ones. The littlest musketeer has been getting sick all the time.. The dreaded starting of child care and the beginning of winter- not a good combination! But he’ll survive. Everyone is happy and relatively healthy. As for working, it is good to use my brain and think about new things. In a new role which adds to the thinking quota. It has been challenging but in a good way.

The house organisation is ‘getting there’ I always feel like there is a constant mess, but I’m sure it’d be the same working or not! Mr Working Mum is enjoying his new role of child care and school drops which definitely helps. We are definitely lucky that has gone smoothly. Kudos to him!

Some things I have learnt or re-learnt..

-school lunches definitely need to be organised the night before.

-any big beauty regime is best done at night to allow for a quick shower in the morning! 😜

-prepared meals are a winner , reheat and eat or super fast meals to cook up. (A future post with ideas to come)but a staple is curry, beef or chicken with rice made on the weekend and just reheat.

-teach the kids the routine and everything goes much smoother. Most days.




Posted in Lifestyle, Uncategorized

It’s here!

Well the time has come. All Lunches are packed. Bags organised for three kids and myself, dinner ready for tomorrow night! Coffee mug ready, clothes laid out for 4 of us!

Loving my new lunch bag from Typo!


Now to just set the alarm and hope for a full nights sleep! Bring on the next challenge, the new chapter, new ideas, new stories. Thanks for reading and sharing ideas, the journey is really just beginning but I feel ready!

Posted in Activities with Kids, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

School Holiday fun

Its school holidays here at the moment which means my return is happening extremely soon! Two weeks to be exact! Feeling ok about it actually, just making sure I have everything in place for school and child care drop off and pick ups.

I ordered new labels for the kids clothes and drink bottles today. I ordered them from Stuck On You. I’m not into Iron on Labels so I paid a bit extra and got the stick on labels that work on anything. That way in the early morning when I realise the jumper the littlest member has on doesn’t have a name on it I can whip it on quickly! Lots of cute designs and colours to choose from.

One more thing ticked off my list!

Yesterday we had a family outing to the zoo. It’s such a lovely place to visit and the kids love it. We ventured down to the Children’s petting zoo which we hadn’t done in a long time. Some super cute little critters down there!

Today was a trip to the botanic gardens for some energy burning fun and nature play. Tree climbing, leaf boat making and running. Perfect. And yes, there’s coffee! I’m starting to think I need to change the title of my blog to Coffee and Kids.. it seems to be the regular theme!

Posted in Lifestyle

The New Henley Square

It seems winter has hit already!! Not quite but it sure feels like that. Everyone has the sniffles and the coughs already. What is it going to be like when really hits? We needed some sunshine today so after the school drop we headed down to the beach for some fun in the sun. We stayed on the grass and played footy and I enjoyed a take away coffee! image

It’s the perfect spot for young kids and mums! Plenty of spots for a coffee and a bite to eat and so much space for the kids to run and climb on the new bench seats.imageSo many Cafes to choose from for coffee including Cibo, Coffee Club and Cocolait. Some good restaurants and snack bars have popped up also.

The new water features were a good addition for the warmer days however today it was all about the birds having a bath!

So when you’re in need of some fresh air and the kids need a run around jump in the car, pack your ball and picnic rug and head down to the Square. There’s something about the beach that makes everyone feel better.image

Posted in Lifestyle, Recipes, Time Saving Tips

The kids plan the menu!

One thing I’ve been dabbling in over the years is menu planning. I’ve always wanted to do it ‘better’ so I set myself a challenge to do a meal plan each week  then do one big grocery shop for the week. Well I did it!! I went once to the supermarket and did not step foot on one until the following week!! I’ve done it now for 3 weeks and it’s fabulous!! The best thing is I seriously spent less money on food and there was no wastage. All over the Internet you’ll find weekly menus and plans.. Anyone can make one! I needed to make sure that the meals chosen were gong to be eaten by all members of the family. Sorry Mums but I’m not one for making separate meals for the kids.. So I asked them!


I literally asked each member including dear husband to choose one meal. I was immensely surprised by the results. Not only have the meals been healthy but everyone has enjoyed eating ‘their choice’. Each night the kids seriously discuss who’s choice the meal was and who’s meal it is tomorrow night. At first I was unsure what they might come up but some of their choices have included lasagna, burritos, chicken kebabs and cous cous and chicken curry. The kids love having some power over what we eat and it makes for a great discussion with them! Give it a try, see what meal plan your tribe comes up with!

I’m hoping to develop a spread sheet for weekly plans in the near future. 😳

Posted in Lifestyle, Time Saving Tips


Everyone has one.. It’s usually ridiculously untidy in my house.. Hopefully in everyone’s! The plasticware aka the Tupperware cupboard! I have. I have been trying to sort out the dreaded lunch box situation for Mr 5. In the last few weeks I have purchased 4 new lunch boxes trying to scout out the best option. It would help if the cooler bag that was chosen (because it had rockets on it!) was a little more spacious. I do believe I’m over thinking the situation!! 😂


So in order to try sort the best box I had to organise the dreaded cupboard- to fit all these new containers.

what an assortment of randomn lids and containers that didn’t match! Isn’t it amazing how things disappear? Maybe the same fairy that steals odd socks takes lids?! So I played match and ditch and made it all look pretty. I didn’t  keep anything that didn’t match!

Still didn’t solve the lunch box negotiations but at least it’s organised!



Posted in Lifestyle

No longer a baby

Turning 5 (1)Remember that feeling of bringing your baby home for the first time. The pure happiness, the nerves, the joy, the excitement and apprehension? Five years on and its not forgotten, just remembered with happiness. Turning five feels like such a milestone. So independent; no nappies, no naps just negotiations and new adventures. The start of our schooling life, new friends, new skills. It’s a strange feeling to think that it feels like yesterday that we had this beautiful bundle and our lives changed forever, but it also feels like a lifetime ago. As parents we have learnt so much, things we’d do again and things we wouldn’t. It’s an exciting time, turning five, they really are little people now. They walk, talk, play independently (most of the time!), have their own hopes, dreams and visions. Some things are easier now they are five, going to dinner is no longer such a drama however, some things are harder, long walks with the baby in the pram with time for your own thoughts is non existent!


This is not a blog post about saving time or cooking a meal (although Mr 5 as requested Mexican Monday!) but purely a reflection on life as a parent. It sure has its ups and down, but I wouldn’t change it for the world, although I would love to reduce the brotherly arguments!. It is an emotional time for me having my eldest turn 5. We are so proud fo the person he has become so far. He is emotional, caring, funny, and clever. He is no longer a baby, however will always be my baby..

Posted in Lifestyle

Suds galore!

imageIt seems like it may never end. Once you’ve finished one lot, sure enough there’s more waiting. With the chaos that is three boys under the age of 5, washing is to say the least.. there! Always! Just before the littlest musketeer was born I got creative and made a roster for all the housework in our house. Mondays was general washing, Tuesday was kids clothes, Wednesday was business shirts etc.. I follow it sporadically but its hard to stay on track when different things pop up. Sick kids, visitors, holidays etc. Once I get behind in the piles of dirt covered, baby spew items it seems to take days to catch up. And not to mention the linen! A friend showed me this article, that blew my mind. It suggests washing your towels after 3 uses! Holy cow! So 5 people, every 3 days…In a week I’d be washing 15 towels. Not to mention hand towels, tea towels and the seemingly thousands of face washers we go through! Here I was thinking that once a week was satisfactory! Well there’s no way I’ll be fluffing towels every 3 days. Who’s got time for that??!!

Here’s what happened when Mr. 3 decided to help with washing yesterday! I couldn’t help but laugh, he was only trying to help.

My machine too full of suds to operate!


Really all I can say is ‘washing everyday keeps the piles at bay!” Laughing at myself at my poetry! But seriously, chuck a load in whenever you get a spare minute or two and hang it out.. whenever?! I’ll admit more often than not it could be a few hours before I hang a load out! While the weather is warm I’ve been doing heaps at night.. In Winter my house generally looks like a Laundry Room with clothes horses and airers spotted around the place. I used to stress if I had unfolded washing in baskets, recently I’ve come to realise that who cares! If I pull a T-shirt out of the basket and chuck it on.. at least its clean right? Gradually I’m overcoming my obsession for everything to perfect. If people judge me because I have clean washing unfolded, well.. they can go jump! or fold my washing!


Posted in Lifestyle

Being Brave

BE BRAVERecently I blogged about ditching the guilt and standing strong. A friend had given me advice and her words still stand out..’be brave’. It got me to thinking. How does one be brave, what is bravery and why do I have to be brave? So many questions. The Oxford Dictionary defines Bravery as ‘courageous behaviour’. The first thing that comes to my mind is taking risks. As kids we take risks all the time, jumping off the swing, climbing to the top of the frame, reading a new book. As adults taking risks just seems so much more daunting. I am currently reading Lisa Messengers book;  Daring and Disruptive. It depicts how Lisa took chances, put herself out there and was brave. Some of her risks didn’t pan out, but others did, including the successful magazine The Collective. It’s inspiring reading about someone taking risks. If you haven’t read it- do it! What I’m taking from it though is without taking risks, being courageous and being brave, we don’t get the rewards.

My New Years resolution this year is to be brave. I feel it covers so many aspects. To try new things, to put myself out there, have confidence in my decisions and choices and not to worry about what others think. To buy that treadmill and take up running, to continue blogging and not care if no one reads it! It all takes bravery!

New Years resolutions are made and frequently given up on very quickly. I asked a few close friends if they were making resolutions. All were and they all had a common theme. No one said ‘lose weight, get fitter or go on a diet’ (thank goodness) but all had a common theme about life in general. About feeling confident in yourself and making choices that make you happy. Those are fabulous resolutions and likely to be achievable, way more than not eating chocolate (which I would have failed already!).

I took a big leap by starting this blog a couple of months ago and in 2016 I would love to keep this going. To find useful hints and tips for being organised, to try new fast recipes, to organise my pantry! and bravely share it with the world!

Be Brave, take chances, feel confident, be happy. That’s my hopes for 2016. x