Posted in Time Saving Tips

5 steps to a stress free Christmas

A stress free chistmasChristmas is my favourite time of the year. So much joy and love around! However the dark side is the stress it can bring. Trying to impress people with your fabulous home made puddings or be the perfect host with mistletoe hanging in every corner. Just thinking about all that needs to be done can bring on a headache! So here’s what I’m going to follow this year to reduce the last minute frenzy that occurs.

  1. Lists, lists and more lists.

I love writing lists. I currently have about 4 on the go. I regularly just write a list of things I need to get done on any given day, as simple as hang the washing out! But it sure feels good when you tick things off.

In terms of Christmas my lists include; who I need to buy presents for, Christmas baking list, last minute shopping lists (fresh food I’ll need), Christmas card list, cleaning to-do list, and my current shopping list! I also have been known to have a list of jobs for my dear husband to complete 😉

2. Not overbooking

Trust me I’m a shocker for running myself to the ground trying to attend every function I’m invited to. This year I want to do things differently. I have my calendar in view daily ( strategically placed in the kitchen) and I’m trying to only book one event per day, some have two but morning and evening. Its not only me who gets exhausted but the kids do too, and we all know what tired kids are like….

3. Start shopping early

This is the first year that I have started Christmas shopping before December. Let me say this though.. I LOVE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! There’s something about the carols playing in the shops, the people everywhere, the wrapping…But I know many people who loathe Christmas Shopping. My Mum can’t stand it so I usually do some for her! But the biggest tip here is don’t leave it all to the last minute. Get your list (yes!) and tick off a few each week. If you only have to go the shops for an hour at a time its definitely less stressful. And you get to tick things off your list!

4. Clean a little at a time

If you have guests staying this Christmas, or family coming for lunch if you’re anything like me you’ll be madly scrubbing from top to toe to make the place shine. I’m assuming though if you’re reading this that you have children and shining your house gets a little tricky! We have an office/study in our house that only we are allowed in! It’s like the junk room. Everything gets piled in there. But you know what? I don’t really care! No one else sees it.

In the weeks between now and Christmas clean a room at a time, or do a big job each week. That way when its the week of Christmas all you really need to do it a quick mop and bathroom shine and you’ll look like a regular Martha Stewart!

5. Breathe

Some people have holidays, others work right through. What ever your situation, stop and think about the meaning of Christmas. Whether you are religious or not, Christmas is still a beautiful time of the year. And for me it got even better since having children. Stop and enjoy it with them. Sings carols, dance around to “go Santa go” and eat all the delicious tree shaped cookies you can. Well that’s my plan anyway!!




As a mum to three young boys, life gets busy.. hectic even! As I draw nearer to returning back to the workforce again, I'm on the search for the solution.. How to do it all? The perfect answer to juggling working and kids, the time management, the stress, but at the same time loosing the guilt... This page is all about trying to Do It All!... and what to do when you can't!

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