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My review of Weight Watchers food boxes

Last week I discovered a new program that I thought was a game changer and could be the answer to all life’s problems. I’ve always been keen to try loose a few kilos (who doesn’t!) and saw advertised the Weight Watchers Fresh Box  and gave it a go.

Heres my review from the point of view from a working mum who’s life gets a little cray cray around dinner time.

The Food-it comes in a lovely big box all delivered in 2 days to your door. The program is linked to Aussie Farmers Direct so the produce is super fresh and did last really well.

Bacon, capsicum, kale pasta with mushroom sauce.



The recipe cards, great coloured photos


The recipes- Easy to follow, clear and concise but have lots of preparation is required. The meals generally took 30-40 minutes or longer to make. The pasta dish was much quicker but the rest were quite time consuming.

To sum, the meals have been super delicious and full of flavour and surprisingly decent serving sizes! And I even ate Kale! It has definitely increased our vegetable intake and provided some inspiration for new meals to try. However a big down for me and my lifestyle is the time frame for preparation. I don’t have time to be rolling chicken and stuffing it on a normal night in my house. If you have a bit of time up your sleeve or are great at food preparation then go for it! If dinner time involves feeding the masses and town is limited this program is not the best option for you. I have definitely enjoyed the new meals and the healthy ideas though!

Chicken stuffed with baby spinach and sundried tomatoes
Posted in Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Long time!


Well it’s been a long time since I have posted anything. Mainly from laziness really but also poor time management. I’m getting my head around this working shenanigans And having three little ones. The littlest musketeer has been getting sick all the time.. The dreaded starting of child care and the beginning of winter- not a good combination! But he’ll survive. Everyone is happy and relatively healthy. As for working, it is good to use my brain and think about new things. In a new role which adds to the thinking quota. It has been challenging but in a good way.

The house organisation is ‘getting there’ I always feel like there is a constant mess, but I’m sure it’d be the same working or not! Mr Working Mum is enjoying his new role of child care and school drops which definitely helps. We are definitely lucky that has gone smoothly. Kudos to him!

Some things I have learnt or re-learnt..

-school lunches definitely need to be organised the night before.

-any big beauty regime is best done at night to allow for a quick shower in the morning! 😜

-prepared meals are a winner , reheat and eat or super fast meals to cook up. (A future post with ideas to come)but a staple is curry, beef or chicken with rice made on the weekend and just reheat.

-teach the kids the routine and everything goes much smoother. Most days.




Posted in Lifestyle, Uncategorized

It’s here!

Well the time has come. All Lunches are packed. Bags organised for three kids and myself, dinner ready for tomorrow night! Coffee mug ready, clothes laid out for 4 of us!

Loving my new lunch bag from Typo!


Now to just set the alarm and hope for a full nights sleep! Bring on the next challenge, the new chapter, new ideas, new stories. Thanks for reading and sharing ideas, the journey is really just beginning but I feel ready!

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The Countdown

working photo

Less than a week to go. I have very mixed emotions about returning to work. Seeing my fellow staff, using my brain (or what’s left of it!).I think we’ve worked out the logistics of the drop off and pick for week 1. The littlest member of the family had his first day of child care yesterday. He wouldn’t eat and only slept a little but he survived and was smiling when I picked him up. So I’m putting it down to a win!

I have organised a Mumma Bake with my sister on Friday. Stay tuned for that one! I cleaned out my pantry yesterday, and have finally found the bottom of the laundry basket! Small achievements!

Todays job is to do actual ‘work’ work and clean out my wardrobe. Now to turn off the TV, make a coffee and get cracking!!

Posted in Activities with Kids, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

School Holiday fun

Its school holidays here at the moment which means my return is happening extremely soon! Two weeks to be exact! Feeling ok about it actually, just making sure I have everything in place for school and child care drop off and pick ups.

I ordered new labels for the kids clothes and drink bottles today. I ordered them from Stuck On You. I’m not into Iron on Labels so I paid a bit extra and got the stick on labels that work on anything. That way in the early morning when I realise the jumper the littlest member has on doesn’t have a name on it I can whip it on quickly! Lots of cute designs and colours to choose from.

One more thing ticked off my list!

Yesterday we had a family outing to the zoo. It’s such a lovely place to visit and the kids love it. We ventured down to the Children’s petting zoo which we hadn’t done in a long time. Some super cute little critters down there!

Today was a trip to the botanic gardens for some energy burning fun and nature play. Tree climbing, leaf boat making and running. Perfect. And yes, there’s coffee! I’m starting to think I need to change the title of my blog to Coffee and Kids.. it seems to be the regular theme!

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Tick tock

Time is drawing closer and closer. Meetings have taken place, child care visits have started and lists are getting made. The art of sorting out school drop off and pick ups has begun! How do people work full time? Hats off to those who do. I bought a lovely folder from Woolworths today to help the motivation! imageSo bright and colourful! I have started brainstorming meals to have in the freezer and over the next couple of weeks I will get my bake on!!

Tonights meal is Chicken and Leek Pie. I have made extra filling and frozen it for a quick meal another day.

This is my all time favourite pie recipe and have made it literally over a hundred times! Find the recipe here.

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Ten Meals to cook when you only have ten minutes


After a long day at work you collect the starving monsters that used to resemble your children and the last thing you feel like doing is slaving over the stove. I’ve been thinking about this one for a while and have compiled a list of Ten meals to make when you have ten minutes. These can be made ahead and then reheated, pre-prepared and cooked when required or cooked and on the table in ten!

  1. Good old Bolognaise.

Bolognaise can sit on the stove simmering away until required or cook the pasta of choice at the same time as your sauce and serve it up in under ten minutes. Grate some veggies into the sauce if you want to boost the veg intakes!

     2. Burritos/Tacos

Cook up the meat of choice, while that’s cooking, chop your tomatoes, lettuce and grate your cheese. It can all be saved in the fridge until you need it. Whether you like the crunchy taco shells or soft tortilla wraps its a quick super healthy meal.


    3. Pies

Whatever your filling of choice, mine is definitely Chicken and Leek, it can be made when you have a spare ten minutes and then when ready for dinner put the filling in a  ramekin and top with puff pastry, bake for 10 minutes in a hot oven and its ready!


4. Jamie Olivers Seared Beef Salad

This is tried and true on in my house (in fact it was tonights meal) and it doesn’t even take the 15 minutes that he claims! Super fast and super delicious.


5. Hamburgers

Home made hamburgers.. is there anything better. My Dad used to make burgers every Sunday night, it was our tradition and the one meal he was willing to cook (and pancakes!) Big chunky beef patties, heres a basic burger recipe if you need one, slices of tomato, lettuce, cheese, and anything else you desire. I put everything on the table and everyone makes their own, the kids enjoy this more and tend to eat more!

6. Chicken Caesar Salad

We are here because we need time saving not because we are gourmet chefs so yes.. I use dressing from a bottle! Boil some eggs, cook the chicken and bacon, chop some Cos lettuce and cook some toast. Mix it all together and bam! Instant dinner.

7.Lamb chops with cous cous and greek salad

One of my favourites! Sprinkle your chops with lemon and oregano before cooking, its delicious. Greek salads are super easy to prepare, chop cucumber, tomatoes, chuck in olives and crumbled feta. Cook the cous cous according to the packet (although I just add boiling water and let it sit while I cook the meat). Mmm Mmm!

8. Watermelon and feta salad with Chicken and Rice.

A fabulously light salad, great for this warm weather. Cook the rice! Chop feta and watermelon into small cubes and mix together ( you can add red onion if you like), Cook the chicken ( I prefer thighs for this as they are not as dry) and squeeze lemon juice over it while its cooking. Once the rice is cooked, stir through chopped olives, feta, baby spinach and some olive oil.

9. Tuna Mornay

A simple go to recipe. I add peas and corn kernals to increase the vegetable intake!

10. Fried Rice

A great way to use up leftovers and get veggies into the meal. I add corn, peas, chopped capsicum, egg and we love pineapple pieces in ours. I use pork pieces in my fried rice but you could add prawns, chicken or beef. Season with soy sauce, garlic, onion, and sweet chili.

Enjoy x







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image Missed, lost, not taken; all words that are used frequently to describe opportunities that we don’t take. Often as a Mum we have to make a choice to intentionally not take that opportunity and just hope that it comes again later down the track. Sometimes though, you just have to make a decision that’s right for you and your family at the time. At least that’s what I’m  telling myself. That Mummy guilt that sits on your shoulder and judges your every thought. It looks at you with the orange eyes and just questions you.. “Really?” It says “you think you can do it all?” Well sometimes it’s probably right. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.. An opportunity I had been looking for before having my third beauty has arisen but I’ve chosen to leave it alone. Returning to work might be a big enough shock to the system without adding to it any further demands. My dear husband and Mum will be stepping up to the plate to help just so I can get to work- hopefully on time! The reality of it all is settling is fast, not to say I’m not looking forward to it, I am in some regards, not in others. The adult conversation and using my brain to think about more than school lunches and dirty nappies! But let’s go slowly and settle in to a routine and get life in balance before taking on another new challenge. It is a bit disappointing isn’t it, when you want something but you know it’s not in the best interest of your family to go for it? You feel guilty for even thinking about it. I’m ok with my decision now but I imagine there’s many Mums out there who aren’t ok with their decisions. And there’s probably many Mums who are super brave and take those chances when they arise. They are likely the leaders of this world, or large companies😉 Gold star to them for going hard and getting what they want.  I’m not yet ready for that. I know that , and that awareness in itself is an achievement!


And when all else fails.. Dinosaur Spaghetti is a well balanced meal!


Posted in Recipes, Uncategorized

Vanilla slice- oh so nice!!

Happy Australia Day! We do live in fabulously free Country where we can be ourselves and do what we want and live the life we dream. Today lots of people are celebrating in various ways, friends are having beach days, bbqs and fireworks. And of course the cricket. The boys are a little obsessed with all things sport at the moment so we are endeavouring to take them to the international 20/20 tonight. We’ll see how that goes!

I wanted to do some ‘Australian’ cooking today.. I looked up lamination recipes and pavlova (which I must say I love a good pav) but decided on my Mums Vanilla Slice. Biscuits, custard and icing- how can you go wrong?!!

Vanilla Slice (Thermomix style)

2 packs of Arnotts Lattice Biscuits

50g of cornflour

1/4 cup sugar

2 eggs

1tsp vanilla extract

500g milk

1 quantity of icing- I choose pink!

coconut for sprinkling on top.


-to make the custard I use the Thermomix but of course I can be done on the stove top.

  • place corn flour and sugar in bowl and mill sp9 for 10 secs.
  • Add eggs, milk, vanilla and set at Sp 3 90 degrees for 7 mins. ( using the stove top- continually stir until thickened) it needs to be quite thick.
  • line a slice tray with baking paper, and place a layer of Lattice biscuits on the bottom.
  • Spread the custard out on top of the Lattice Biscuits.
  • place another layer on top of biscuits on top of the custard, and place in the fridge for at Least an hour.
  • Spread a layer of icing on top of the biscuits and sprinkle with coconut.


My hot tip is to cut the biscuits in half when serving (use a serrated bread knife) so the custard doesn’t ooze to much when you bite into the creamy deliciousness!!




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Easiest party ever!

imageIt’s been a while between posts.. I wonder how often it the ideal ‘blog’?  It’s the age old question.. when the kids are napping do you get jobs done, do something you enjoy or just rest yourself? I’d love to know what others do.. It varies day to day here dependant on how many musketeers I have at home at the time! I’d love to sit with a cuppa and catch up on the girly TV everyday but it’s just not feasible! So I try to divide my time between the house, cooking, and chilling. You can’t beat a nice cup of tea to refresh the soul for the events of the afternoon.

This week has been taken over with birthdays! Mr Working Dad had his birthday and the eldest musketeer hits the big 5 on Monday. He’s chosen to have his party at Bounce Inc, a trampoline heaven. He’s determined to ‘jump on the walls!’ So we’ll see. However for busy people, it is the easiest party I have ever organised!! I love party planning, creating a theme, organising food, cake etc so this handing the controls to someone else is a whole new thing. But so ridiculously easy. You pay through the nose for it but with it comes the ease. We arrive, the kids jump, they eat, we go! Mr almost 5 has chosen a superhero theme this year so we tracked down the Batman Party bags and have them stocked ready to go.

Now I just need to organise the cake! I’ve cheated a little and bought a Mud Cake from the Cheesecake Shop, and I will decorate it and I’m making cupcakes. I bought these cute rice paper decorations off eBay, (who doesn’t love EBay??!) This is the store I got them from. Cakes Bits & gifts. Online shopping sure makes life easy doesn’t it?? What do we do before that? It makes it so easy to stick with a theme for a party, the fabulous new party stores at Big W are stocked with different themes complete with everything from temporary tattoos (which my boys Love!) to note books all matching the desired subject. Sure makes it easy and that’s what we are all about!!! Have a great Saturday .

Batman party bags from Big W!